While I like the concept of creating discussion and creative
thinking, some of the questions just did not seem to go with the age group
recommended for the book (3-5). For example, one of the questions was: “Create
a story in which you are a type of bread (for example, baguette, ciabatta,
Challah, pita, focaccia). Is a 3-5 year-old going to understand
different types of bread?
The photos were at times a distraction to the questions. One
of the pages had a photo of two girls in a bakery case with questions about the
desserts. The girls are blocking the view of the case and the desserts on the
case so blurry that it was difficult to get an answer to the questions about the
desserts in the photo.
It also should also be noted that this was not about a child’s
trip to a supermarket visit. The photographs appear to have been taken at
open-air markets and a fish market.