Saturday, June 12, 2010

Wisdom for the Aging by Malcolm Boyd

To Purchase: Wisdom for the Aging
Episcopal priest and spiritual director, Malcolm Boyd is the author of more than 30 books. For ten years he was a columnist for AARP's magazine Modern Maturity answering questions sent in by readers. In Wisdom for the Aging – Practical Advice for Living the Best Years of Your Life Right Now, Pastor Boyd shares some of his answers to the most universal questions.

The questions are grouped by the topics of Relationships, Memories, Health, Changes and Wisdom. Each page contains one question or a comment followed by sage advice by the author. His advice reflects respect in the differences in others and reasons to reject the bitterness that can linger for years.

Although the questions are from the older readers of AARP magazine readers, there is nothing in the book that will not benefit a reader of any age. If you are not experiencing some of the trials now, you may have a family member that is. His responses are thoughtful, peaceful and encouraging.

At times I found his answers too brief. Some subjects just seemed to need a more in depth answer, but I suspect that was due to the space constraints of his column in the magazine. There was still enough here to give me insight to some of the questions that would relate to my own life. The book trailer below is the author talking about Wisdom for the Aging.


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