Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Chase: The Hunt for the Mute Poetess by Thomas Dellenbusch

Translated from German by Richard Urmston
Type: KopfKino is a German term for Theatre of the Mind and to describe a book that is a movie-length-story with a reading time of between 60-180 minutes.

Enrique Allmers was heading to a restaurant when a woman ran into him, quite literally. He realized she was being chased and was in immediate danger. She was quite the mystery because she was unable to speak, but “Rique with the help of some friends, was able to help the young lady with her unfolding mystery.

A little different from the books I normally read, this Theatre of the Mind places you in a story without any foundation. So be prepared to start and hang on for this fast-moving thriller beginning with the first words on the page. I liked the variety of characters which were diverse in age and types. The story is well-written and the translation was also done very well.

I received an electronic version of the book in exchange for an honest review.


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