Real Wolfmen, True Encounters in Modern America is an
unusual compilation of eye-witness accounts of strange bipedal doglike
creatures. It is interesting to read
each of these accounts from ordinary people in ordinary situations when they
come upon this strange sight. I understand
that eyewitness accounts can not always be taken at face value because of the way
our minds process some information, but for so many people to describe the same
phenomenon in different areas of the country is fascinating.
Initially I thought the author was a little too flippant with
her paragraph titles which made it sound as though she was ridiculing the
people who trusted her by sharing these accounts with her. I recently heard the author, Linda S. Godfrey,
on a radio program and she did not sound at all as though she was doing
that. I guess it was just a little
sarcastic humor in the book. She also
covers briefly what is several ideas speculating about what could account for
these sightings, but it is just that – speculation.
I enjoyed reading Real
Wolfmen as I do most books about
cryptozoology. Cryptozoology includes the study of animals not proven
to exist, the existence of known animals in places where they were not expected
to occur, and sightings of animals presumed to be extinct.
I am not sure if I received this specifically for a review or if I won it in a drawing, but my standard disclaimer applies. I did not pay for the book, I did not get paid for a review, and I only post my honest opinion whether I like it or not.
I am not sure if I received this specifically for a review or if I won it in a drawing, but my standard disclaimer applies. I did not pay for the book, I did not get paid for a review, and I only post my honest opinion whether I like it or not.